A little character I created and I imagine if I were part of a Mouse Fnatasy universe, it is also inspired by the VR game Moss. I like the idea of being a paladin to help or strengthen others through the powers of light. I also had a hard time deciding between a hammer or an axe, so it's a hybrid weapon with a spear in it, which allows him to customise his combat tactics. I also took the opportunity to do some animation studies, which I think I did very well. ^^
I have a little story about Paul and where he lives.
Paul is a paladin in the service of the Amber Tree and the Amber King. The Giant Amber Tree stands in the centre of the Goldleaf Forest, surrounded by the city of Musspes (Latin for Mouse Hope). Musspes is a beautiful, idyllic town with a lot of hard-working inhabitants who all live for the good of the town and the amber tree. To protect the town and the amber tree from those who wish to misuse the tree's resources or power, there are orders of paladins who possess protective and healing powers through sacred magic. These sacred powers are a blessing of the amber tree, inherent in the resin and used to make the equipment. But just wearing the armour does not confer the powers, it only enhances them. It is only at the anniversary of the amber tree that it is decided who has the right to be trained as a paladin. On the anniversary of the Amber Tree, all the inhabitants of Muspess gather around the tree to offer it sacrifices, which serve as nutrient-rich fertiliser for the preservation of the tree. After presenting the offerings, everyone begins to pray that the tree will protect and sustain the folk. During the prayer, drops of resin fall from the tree and each one that gets a drop is the sign of the amber tree to train those to become paladins. But the paladins are not the only ones who keep order, everyone has their tasks, but probably the most important tasks are those who skim off the golden resin of the amber tree and bring it to the centre of the city. There are two types of resin, one in thick liquid form, which serves as a raw material and binding agent for all kinds of things, be it for building houses, structures or furniture, or for further processing into dye or glue. The other form is solid amber, which is mined and used primarily as currency, with larger pieces being further processed to make sculptures or high quality furniture for royalty. Another golden resource that exists in the amber tree is the honey of the bees, which is particularly tasty and sustainable for the inhabitants. During the winter time, the amber tree grows strange golden fruits that radiate a pleasant warmth inside, the golden resin fruit. No one knows what kind of tree the amber tree is, it seems to be the only one of its kind, which is also what makes it so special for the folk in Musspess and provides everything the folk needs.
In Blender